A Flapper and A Shaker,  Covid-19

Fine dining at Zebra Manor.

The kids were once again telling us how much they miss eating out. I bet you are starting to see a pattern. I know I feel like I’m on repeat.

This time, the kids and I decided that we would make a fine dining restaurant quality dinner at home. The hubby has to work to pay for all this fun so he’s exempt from cooking. BUT – He doesn’t know it yet…shhh… it’s a surprise… he will be in the dish pit later. Lucky, lucky guy.

The Monkey was on appetizer duty. I was in charge of the main. And Peanut was on dessert. The Monkey made olive tapenade. It’s one of his favs. I made duck confit with a pomegranate sauce. One of my favs. And Peanut made jello. No one hates jello.

They also set the table with candles. A real fancy night out. Strangely, it actually felt like we had gone out for dinner. Except for the dishes. That was harsh reality. But thankfully we had our dish guy. Lucky, lucky, guy.

By now, we are becoming pros at this whole self isolation thing. We are really starting to fall into a groove. A routine has started to show itself. We are eating like kings and queens due to the children’s tenacity of begging to eat out. And they have online school down to a science. The hubby has got a sweet home office set up. And I’ve got 4pm cocktail hour. Cool.

So now what? We need to shake things up. We need something fun. And just like that Cinco de Mayo appears.

This is now week three of my foray into the world of virtual cocktail making. I am so pumped because it’s Cinco de Mayo which means I have a theme. I love a theme. Tequila! I bet you are thinking Margarita time but you would be wrong. It’s Paloma time! And I love me a Paloma.

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