A Flapper and A Shaker,  Covid-19

A Pisco Sour for Mother’s Day.

It’s mother’s day! Woohoo! I hope it’s nice out so I can hang out on the back deck, sit in the sun and drink mimosas all day.

Crap…. snow and cold. Ok then. Mimosas are still a possibility. I’ll just wait here, in my bed, for the children to bring their dear, wonderful, mother breakfast in bed.

Oh… a healthy smoothie. How lovely. Mom loves a healthy smoothie. What’s in it? Bourbon per chance?

So the weather was crap but the kids made up for it. They gave me lovely cards. They also gave me a clean house. That was surprise number 2. They would spend the morning making sure the house was clean. I could stay in bed and read if I wanted. Maybe with an Irish coffee?

Next on the agenda of fun for mom’s day was croquet. Now we are talking! I love a good game of croquet! I can beat my kids at this for sure. Things are looking up!

We headed outside to set up. It was actually really cold out. Just to let you know, I’ve gotten considerably wimpier since leaving NZ. I’ve always been a sun baby. I love the summertime heat. However, and unfortunately, Mother Nature decided not to turn on the heat. Instead, her choice was air conditioning with blowing snowflakes. Nice. Real mature.

Why is there always a cat when we talk about crazy ladies?

We played a couple of games before I couldn’t feel my fingers anymore. Time to go in. Maybe now they will spring that cocktail on me. Blueberry tea? Rum tottie?

They tell me they have one more surprise in store for me.

Bubbles? Gin and Tonic?

“You don’t have to cook mom! We are ordering in dinner mom! Pizza and wings! It’s your fav mom! And we are paying mom! Our own money!”

I had to laugh. They got me. What could I say? They had innocence all over their smug faces. They won. They beat me. They were finally ordering in. Well played kids. Your mama is proud of you for getting one over her. You two are gonna do alright in life. Now show me the menu. I need to see the drink section.

After that little inspirational day, the Pisco Sour was needed.

One Comment

  • Errin

    I finally had some time (really, I’ve been so incredibly busy) to read more of your blogs! Fabulous, keep it coming!

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