A Flapper and A Shaker,  Covid-19

Hatch, Sushi and Florodora.

Bet you thought you would never see those 3 things in the same title. Nor did I. We are one weird fam.

This week we added on to the treehouse. The Monkey was begging for a “hatch” door. Somewhere. Anywhere. This little guy is an engineer/tinkerer in the making. He is constantly taking things apart and building something. What I really mean to say is, destruction is his middle name and game. The “hatch” was the latest demand. He was so keen to have one. Talked to me about it for an hour. It was actually an hour. I know because we went for an hour long walk and he never stopped talking about the “hatch”. In fact, he was getting so desperate that he was starting to carve one out between his and the Peanuts room. I wish we had never bought him that pocket knife.

The hubby decided that the safest and easiest way for us to give him a “hatch” was to add on to the treehouse. We had some old plywood lying around so they set to work making a basement in the treehouse.

The hatch door is in the front. You really have to look to see it. Monkey wanted it to be a secret hatch door. So now the treehouse looks like low income housing.

And once again, the little monsters were craving takeout. This time, they asked for sushi. I bet you can guess what we told them. Please tell me it’s 4pm.

I’m pretty sure this is why I make cocktails. Enjoy this week’s cocktail – the Florodora!


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