A Flapper and A Shaker,  Covid-19

Big Mac anyone? Or better yet, a Gin Fizz.

Finally coming to the end of April. This means good weather is fast approaching! We also broke out the patio furniture and even had a meal or two outside. What a glorious feeling!

Up until this point, we haven’t ordered out. We have made all our meals. Sorry, not we – me. Not a brag. Trust me. Not a brag. Would love to be ordering in and not cooking every day. Missing pizza and wings something fierce. Ain’t nothing like a chicken wing. But… we have time to cook … so… we (sorry I mean me) have been cooking.

However, the kids are eternal optimists. They pleaded their case for ordering in. I mean they really pulled out all the stops. Pulled out their piggy banks, did chores without me begging and even went a whole day without whining. But we still said no. I love the power of parenting. It’s all I have.

We told them they should try making fast food if that is what they want. Well… the little eternal optimists did just that. They found a recipe for the Big Mac online. I must say, it tasted like a Mac. You can draw your own conclusions as to whether that is good or bad thing.

This is the other piece of crazy that happened that week. I was asked by a friend, we will call her the Producer from now on, to start doing a virtual cocktail making session. Apparently, Busty Bubbles makes passable cocktails. So, here is the first attempt at doing that.

First one is a little boring. But the cocktail is a classic.

The plan is to do one a week. The blog will change a little going forward. Not entirely sure to what or how since I fly by the seat of my pants. I’ll still post about our weekly antics but now you can do that with a cocktail in hand. It will make it more bearable for all. Enjoy the ride.

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