Canada Covid-19,  Covid-19

Can we really leave our property?

We can actually step foot off the property. I don’t think I have been this excited since the 4pm cocktail hour was created. Quarantine was ok but being able to go out for walks is awesome. Plus now I can even go to the grocery store. I can finally buy the “greenery” I need to make my dishes look edible. It’s the small things in life.

For some reason they never tire of doing this “trick” shot.

Since the weather isn’t amazeballs yet, we decided to convert the garage into an arena for the kids to go all Hunger Games on each other. My money is on the tall one. She can be a real bruiser. Plus, her weapon of choice is a hockey stick. Also, I’m glad that part of that back wall is concrete and she can’t shoot any higher.

The Monkey rediscovered his love of elastics. He is incredibly patient. However, I am not when I find these little elastics all over the house. I thought I hid that thing?

I really started to live up to the angry, short order cook persona. 3 times a day they eat. And every day. Wow. This is going to get old fast.

The weather here is no NZ weather yet but at least we don’t have to shovel snow to get to the end of the driveway. The kids took advantage of that and left a little message for all the essential workers out there. Woohoo! Week 3 done!

Don’t look too closely at the spelling or grammar. The intent was there not the spelling or grammar.


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