Canada Covid-19,  Covid-19

Week 2 of Quarantine

Ok, week 2. Last week we were still technically on vacation. And we behaved accordingly. However, our new reality started this week. And we will have to behave accordingly. The hubby started work again but from home. Cool. The kids have started online schooling from their rooms. Cool. And I am officially unemployed. Cool. Well, sort of because that now means I play the role of short order cook, angry cleaner, insane teacher, office damager, and wanna be blogger. This should be an interesting experiment.

First things first. My virtual work farewell cocktail party. Not many can say they have had one of those before. I am looking forward to this! The weather was perfect. A chinook had rolled in. We love our Chinooks in Alberta well… not the people who get migraines but the rest of us. Most of us were outside and most of us got dressed up for it too. I, of course, decided to wear my new flapper dress from Napier. And we all looked fab if I do say so myself. A fun bunch of folks!

Easter also happens this week. Thankfully and brilliantly my sister sent a note to the Easter Bunny letting him know we were back in Canada. Phew… That was a close call.

Since this was a different kind of year, we thought the Easter Egg hunt should also be a little different. We sent the kids on the “Ultimate Easter Egg Hunt”. They got a clue after they completed a task. The tasks were for baking a pie which they didn’t know they were doing. And each clue had the next clue with a bunch of chocolate. I was given the idea by Madam M. Her kids made hot cross buns. Eater dinner dessert taken care of. Brilliant!

Of course the Easter Bunny had to send a backup plan. Just in case. We have set a precedent on dropping the ball in the past.

The hubby has fun relatives:)
Kids made out like bandits!

Of course, Easter wouldn’t be complete without turkey dinner. Tradition in our family is to celebrate Easter with my parents here in Calgary. Every year they fly out to Calgary, from Ontario, for the big gun show that happens at Easter. Yes, there are 2 things of note here that you didn’t misread: 1. Gun show at Easter and 2. my dad, a.k.a. the Colonel, is a military antique gun dealer. And yes….I am way more normal than I have a right to be. And I bet things are starting to make sense for you all.

Since this year they couldn’t come out, my sister set up a video chat so we could all have dinner together. We eventually got sound and picture working in all 3 households. No mean feat!

The rest of the week went down well. We did more puzzles, more weaponry building, rugby, exercise, board games, cocktail hours and cooking.

So far so good. The 4 of us have made it out of quarantine without any major incident. Next week we can walk off the property and not get a $1 million dollar fine or jail time. Sweet!

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