Canada Covid-19,  Covid-19

Why did we leave…?

Week 1 of quarantine – First night back in our own beds. Had a great sleep. Everyone finds one way of jet lag worse than the other. I am always better coming home. Not sure why this is but I rarely have any problems bouncing back. Luckily, we all bounced back fairly quickly. Cool. Cool. Cool. I got up and wandered over to the window of our bedroom, still half asleep, I drew open the curtains with memories of ocean and greenery. Sigh… instead of ocean and greenery, there was only snow and cold. Ugh…

I really miss colour.

And as an extra added treat, my car battery died. Great. I suppose it doesn’t matter since we can’t leave the house anyway for 14 days. Fine. I’m fine.

I did not miss cold and snow.

Because we travelled, we can’t leave our house for 14 days. We have to be in quarantine/self-isolation. That means we can’t leave our property. No walks around the block even. But we can be in our backyard which the kids were thrilled about. They said they missed the snow. I’m starting to question if we are even related.

Not sure what he is doing but I am slightly afraid to go any closer. I keep thinking of Children of the Corn.

Now to unpack. Specifically the 1 or 2 wine bottles that I may or may not have brought home. Also, a couple of fun souvenirs. Everyday I will see that sash and ask myself – why did we leave….? But I will drink those thoughts away with 1 or 2 bottles that I may or may not have brought home.

Of course I did ask myself “the question” several more times for obvious reasons.

Ok, 14 days of family fun time. We are starting with four people. Wonder if we will all make it out of self-isolation with our sanity? We should probably keep busy. I think I will open up my new NZ cookbook and try my hand at a couple of the recipes. We have to eat.

We managed to find a few other distractions.

Amazingly, we started with four people and finished the week with the same four people. In fact, it was nice to have a little family time. Let’s see if we can do this for another week.

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