Covid-19,  NZ 2020,  NZ Covid-19

Week 1 of Lockdown – Covid-19…

3rd week of March – The boys got all the construction material and plumbing supplies we needed to restore the ensuite bathroom, build a room in the garage and fix whatever small things needed fixing. The dads have projects. Plural. Perfect.

My turn now.

This was the week I decided to start this blog. Since I had no idea what I was doing or any real writing skills, it should keep me busy and out of trouble. I’m sure I won’t say, do or show anything that would get me into trouble. Time will tell.

M started Les News. Les News was going to be video montages of kids from Tenacious C’s school doing what they do to get by in lockdown. Silly was the order of the day. Our gang would edit and be the anchors for each of the little stories that come through. Some pretty fun stuff came out of it. Unfortunately, I can’t post any to this blog. Kids, privacy, you know.

Since those projects were on computers, and could be done whenever, we needed some physical outdoor work. The nice thing about a country with a warm climate all year, is that gardens grow. And they can grow fast and wild. I think I have a project. Relief…

Landscaping! Bring it! Something about playing in the dirt and watching physical progress happen, makes me very happy. While this type of work is not for most people, I can happily pull weeds all day. There is something weirdly satisfying about it.

We divided the property up into sections of work. It wasn’t going to get done in a day and nor did we want it to. We decided that we would start at the top and work our way down to the water. Doing a section every other day or as weather permitted. I love a plan. I am such a nerdy, type A. Oh boy! I was in my happy place now.

All child labour laws were observed.
Looking good.

Not everyday was hard labour. There was time off for good behaviour.

We even let them eat. Granted they had to make it first.

First week of lockdown is deemed a success!

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