Covid-19,  NZ 2020,  NZ Covid-19

We’re open. No. Now we’re closed – Covid-19…

March 23rd – The night before, we were able to get the Monkey registered in school. The same school as Tenacious C. And bonus – it’s a french school! The Minister of Education responded to an email from the principal on a Sunday night saying he approved and thought it was a good idea. The Monkey was to start right away.

We wanted to introduce some stability as quickly as possible for the kids. We knew it would help them adjust to our new situation quicker.

The Monkey was really excited to go. Couldn’t wait to get there. I doubt he slept much the night before. He was dressed and ready long before anyone. Waiting at the door. Lunch box and backpack. Actually, really cute.

Once we got to the school, the Monkey headed straight out into the playground with Tenacious C. Within seconds he was already playing with a half dozen other kids. The hubby and I met his teacher and filled out all the necessary paper work. One down, one to go.

Unfortunately, we didn’t get the approval in time for the the Peanut to start that day. But, we did go to her school to get her registered and meet with the principal. The principal was super nice and very accommodating. Peanut would be in the same classes as Curly Fry. Perfect. Things were looking up by the minute.

With both kids sorted, M and I headed out to get some groceries. Feeding 8 people, 3 times a day, requires more food than one thinks. So we loaded up. Turns out, just in time.

At 2pm that day, the Prime Minister of NZ made an announcement. NZ was currently at Alert level 2. But, due to the first cases of community spread, the entire country was now moving to Alert Level 3. And further more, in 48 hours, to Level 4. Level 4 is full lockdown. I mean utter and complete lockdown. And the minimum would be a 4 weeks. 4 weeks. The minimum.

Holy crap, things are changing fast.

(If you want more details about the alert level system in NZ click here.)

Schools are closed at end of day today. An email came through saying that, once you pick up your child from school, you must leave immediately. Ok, let’s go get the Monkey and Tenacious C.

Liquor stores are not considered essential service. Sorry? What did you say? Well, I do believe we need to get to one of those asap. Because in my world, that is the only essential service I need.

We loaded up. I really do mean loaded up. Remember we are 4 parents against 4 children. It may seem like even odds, but due to whining, winging, tenacity and perpetual movement of the little monsters, the odds are against us. And our only defence against them is wine.

We were very lucky that we had done our grocery shop earlier that day. At least we wouldn’t be dealing with current crowds.

What else do we need? What else is required for lockdown? It’s Monday and we have until Wednesday at midnight to get sorted.

M and I hit a “walmart” like store. We picked up a few small essentials to make life a little easier at the house.

The dads needed to do the same but at the hardware store. We still needed to get the little ensuite functional. They started to make a list.

Just about time to batten down the hatches.

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