Covid-19,  NZ 2020,  NZ Covid-19

Week 2 of lockdown – Covid-19…

Last week of March and start of April – We were all starting to find our groove. Days were full. We did puzzles. Made great meals. Drank great wine. Played boardgames. Listened to some awesome NZ music. Walked around the neighbourhood. And the landscaping was coming along nicely. We got a handball court set up in the front of the house, soccer pitch on the back deck, and the gymnastics area sorted. I would even go so far to say – we were having fun in lockdown.

Busy boys building.

We would get news from home every now and then.

The kids got into baking.

Everything was good. The big boys sorted out the ensuite. And they finished the rumpus room in the garage too. Such a fun space. M had a few Les News done and I had a few posts written. We even had some daily chores sorted for the kids. We were settling into our new reality. We were safe, healthy and with friends. Nothing to complain about really. Everything was good.

But… there were moments that it wasn’t all sunshine and beach time. We missed home. We worried about what was going to happen long term. Missed family and friends. Worried about our house, money, jobs. The kids needed extra cuddles and reassurance. Some quiet tears were shed.

But… We were together, safe and healthy. That’s what mattered. We would get through this. And eventually we would get home.

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