Covid-19,  NZ 2020,  NZ Covid-19

Bring on the new norm – Covid-19…

March 22nd – The boys had actually planned a fishing trip the night before for early today. Early as in – they actually headed out at the crack of dawn. I was not up to see them off. Shocking I know.

That left M and I at the house for the day with the kids. We decided to start sorting out the sleeping arrangements for everyone downstairs. 3 rooms for 6 people. Perfect. We got this.

The little boys were up first. We carved out a little spot for the Monkey in Tenacious C’s room for all the things that are important and sacred to a little boy e.g. ball, stick, seashells, a couple of misc toys. Got all the clothes out of the suitcase and his bed organized. Then, we moved all the toys out of the room and made a play area upstairs for them. That freed up a lot of room for them to have a little work desk in the bedroom. There were comics to draw don’t you know.

Next, the girls. They were staying in the spare room. The spare room had been partially demolished before we got to NZ. It was all in prep for the start of a very major reno of the whole house. The good thing was that the spare room had an ensuite that still had all the plumbing intact. Cool! Now we have a little project. A few quick reinstalls and some homey touches and the hubby and I would have our own room with our own bathroom. Not too shabby.

We moved the girls back into Curly Fry’s room. Got the clothes out of suitcase and set up a work area for them. Cool. They were sorted and pumped to have their own space. Awesome! Now everyone is starting to feel more settled.

We got it all done just in time for the boys to return with 6 fish! Red Snapper! Woohoo! Ceviche for dinner tonight! Yessss! I am so pumped. The Kiwi makes THE BEST ceviche. I mean THE BEST. I’m drooling thinking about it now….

Swiss Miss and her fam were coming over to join in. Her hubby had been out on the boat as well that day.

We turned on the tunes, let the boys make dinner while we ladies enjoyed some cocktails on the deck with the sun setting and the kids playing in the background. Not a bad way to start our extended stay in NZ. Not bad at all.

I will never tire of that view.

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