NZ 2020

Girls day out!

March 11th – I’ll give you one guess as to what we did that day. Hint: Two girls, in Napier, sans children or hubbies. If you said shopping, sightseeing and bubbles, you would be correct.

The plan for the day was to shop ’til we drop and to check out the inside of the buildings that we saw the night before on our very cool car tour. You are probably wondering how I scored another kid free day. Simple! Mention shopping and sightseeing (looking at buildings) when there is an ocean waiting to be boogie board’ed and voila! you are kid free. Easy peasy. So “they” went off to do some boogie boarding while “we” went off to do some shopping and sightseeing. Win win.

First stop, coffee. Hot, uninterrupted coffee with an ocean view. Oh…. what a glorious start to the day. Coffee was a must after the night before. I’ll never learn that less is more when it comes to wine bottles. I’m definitely a fun idiot.

Madam M and BB taking it all in at the Six Sister Coffee House.
Our view while drinking our blissful, hot, perfect coffee.

The Kiwi and Axel took the kids boogie boarding. They said they had a perfect day out in the surf. From the videos it looked like it was a perfect day.

Not sure who had more fun – kids or dads.

After our most glorious coffee, we headed to the CBD of Napier. First stop was the inside of the ASB bank.

As we walked along, we poked our heads into many shops and building. M even made a new friend. We were thinking of taking her out with us for lunch but she didn’t feel she was dressed enough for the occasion.

M’s new friend Lorna the Moa is a bit of a diva. She never leaves the house without her pearls.

Even though it is not law to build in art deco style, many places do to maintain the integrity of the city core. It really makes for a cool and unique vibe.

After all that walking around, it was time for a cocktail and some snacks. We knew that by 5pm we would have to start heading back to the villa to relieve the dads.

The dads were not going to wait until 5. They decided to meet us for a glass of wine now. I think it was to calm their nerves after all the “fun” they had that day.

We planned to go out that night to a Mexican restaurant by the quay. The food was amazing! The octopus tacos were a touch spicy. Still kept an amazing flavour though. Not just spice. However, not everyone in group felt the same. I have never seen the Kiwi look both panicked and angry at the same time. He said that it was in his top hottest dishes he’d ever eaten. They did have some heat to them in his defence.

Tomorrow is wine day! Stay tuned…

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