NZ 2020


March 10th – Big day today! We are headed to Napier. I am so excited about this part of the trip. I have wanted to go there ever since I learned it is the Art Deco Capital of the world. I love Art Deco. Everything about it – architecture, clothes, furniture, jewelry and of course the decadent bubbly cocktails! And we are headed there on my birthday. Oh yes we are! I will be celebrating in true flapper style.

Napier is located in Hawk’s Bay, NZ. This place is amazing but it has a bit of a crazy history. There was an earthquake in 1931 that destroyed the area and tragically killed 256 people. It is still considered NZ deadliest disaster. The area changed dramatically as the whole coastal area around Napier was raised up by about two metres. The craziest change was that a whole area called Ahuriri Lagoon (about 40 km²) of sea became dry land. Today the airport sits in this area. So weird to see it and think that was once all under water.

Napier before and after the 1931 quake.

Because the area was devastated by the quake and there was a global depression occurring (2 years after black Tuesday) they decided to rebuild the town. There was 16,000 people who were out of homes and jobs to think about. So, they rebuilt the whole town in art deco style. As a result, this has given the town a legacy and more importantly, a future with tourism. And bucket list item for me.

We pulled into Napier. What a place. Lined with palm trees along the blue, blue ocean, vineyards in the backdrop and art deco buildings everywhere. We drove to our “villa”. OMG…. this place was amazing. A classic kiwi style villa restored. It was a perfect place to stay! Big backyard for the kids to run around and cause havoc. A sleep out – a room in the garage – for the tweens. And it was a 10 mins stumble to the CBD. Perfect!

The villa.

Since I am obsessed with art deco, it only seemed fitting to be there on my birthday. M, the Kiwi and Axel surprised me with a very cool night out. First amazing surprise – it would be kid free! Woohoo! They were staying and we were going out. Now, that alone was gift enough. But wait – there is more! We get downtown and go to the Art Deco Trust where my chariot awaits – 1939 red Packard complete with our chauffeur Andy. Of course, I dressed the part for the night. Looking like a good ‘ol flapper girl.

The wind picked up right at the perfect moment. Ready for my close up Mr Demille.
Oh Andy…. you were simply the best!

We drove around Napier for a good 1.5 hrs. Pretty sure it wasn’t suppose to be that long but we hit it off with Andy. He took us to the theatre where he has a key to let us in after hours. Such a cool building. Then, he drove us through downtown, around the area and finally into the burbs. I have a million pictures but unless you are a nut like me about Art Deco you will be a little bored. So here are a few of my favs….

National Tobacco Company. Not true art deco but a fabulous and fun building.
Loved this building. Such cool lines.
Outdoor amphitheatre. Purple, who doesn’t love purple and all its glorious shades.
The Six Sisters. Six identical buildings in a row for six sisters.

The night wasn’t over yet! In fact, we were just getting started. We ordered the kids some pizza back at the villa. That took care of them for the night. But we needed to have a cocktail. Being driven around town like that, you really work up a thirst. What can a person do but go for cocktail hour at the iconic Masonic Hotel I suppose. Oh the trials and tribulations of a birthday night out. Did I mention it was kid free?

Too bad the drinks were so perfect.
And the nibbles…. Just so you know those olives were warm. I will never again serve cold olives. I’m embarrassed that I ever have.
This little fella is an Old Fashioned. One of my very fav drinks. The bourbon is hiding in the ice ball. Smash the tiki to get the goods.

We spent a drink (or three) there before heading off to dinner at Charlie’s Art Deco Restaurant. Charlie Chaplin that is. It was pretty funny when we walked up. This place is upstairs and you would never notice it unless you were looking for it. A true hole in the wall. We got upstairs and there wasn’t a soul around. An older Chinese woman comes out to greet us. Still no sight of anyone else including staff. We are wondering if we have the right place as it is not looking like the fine dinning experience we read about. Empty, a little quirky, and no one to be seen. Well….we quickly realized that it was the right place and so much more. The food was amazing. Probably the best lamb I have ever had. Cooked to perfection. Truly awesome. It was a real treat to have the place to ourselves actually. We definitely filled it with laughter and good times that night. The service was spot on and the place had a cool and authentic vibe. Couldn’t have picked a better place for dinner.

Heading upstairs to the restaurant. There is a little dramatic flair in everyone.
Obsessive compulsive me wants to straighten that picture.
Best lamb ever. Ever.

I felt like I stepped back in time that day to the 1930’s. It was such a fantastic day and night. A perfect way to spend my birthday. We headed home to check on the kids (they survived, all accounted for and uninjured – amazing!) and to crack a couple bottles of wine to finish off the night. I’m so lucky to have M, the Kiwi and Axel in my life. Thanks for the amazing day and night you guys! Can’t wait for day 2 of Napier!

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