A Flapper and A Shaker,  Covid-19

Who’s keeping score?

This past week we celebrated Father’s Day here in Canada. It’s the hubby’s turn to be spoiled. Fine. He can have a day too, I guess….

But first, a few of updates. Bob Bird has landed himself a Mrs Bob. I believe we will soon hear the flitter flapper of little wings this summer. The other amazing, mind blowing update – my pear tree is sprouting leaves! I have never felt more proud of my baby. What a cute, darling, little tree. My baby is growing up so fast. Apparently, it does pay to have hope.

My little baby is growing up!

The last important update is that during the summer months (until after school starts in September) the posts and videos are going to slow down. Probably to one a month. One, my life is just not that exciting and 2, I apparently have to parent a couple of kids this summer and do it sober. That’s my summer ruined.

Ok, back to the Hubby being spoiled and turning one day into a weekend. Yeah, that’s right. Not just one day but 2. Don’t worry, I’m keeping score.

Saturday we went out to pick up a gift for the Monkey’s teacher. (Monkey’s teacher is awesome by the way. She has been amazing through this whole crazy time. She has a child of her own (5 yrs) and a split grade. She has nothing but admiration and kudos from us!) Of course, the only gift you can give a Francophone school teacher is wine and cheese. Anyway, while we were there, the hubby scored some cheeses for himself.

He may have scored a cheese plate a day early, but my long term memory will score something bigger and better next year on mother’s day.

Later that day, the kids drew a special message for Dad on the driveway when he wasn’t looking. They wanted to surprise him with it the next morning. A cool way for him to wake up and walk out of the house. So naturally, they showed him within 5mins of finishing it that night.

I did not get this type of neighbourhood advertising on Mother’s Day.

Just to keep a running score here, the Hubby already has a cheese/charcuterie plate and art on the driveway for the whole world to see. And it is still only Saturday.

Now, on to the actual day. The kids decided to make the day extra fun and special and pull out all the stops. Well, they pulled out their piggy banks again. This time though they didn’t want to eat out but wanted to get Dad something that we could all enjoy, all summer. So glad this is all about Dad.

But first, the Hubby wanted to head out for a hike in the mountains for the day with the kids. You may remember that the children said that hiking was a fun walk in the mountains. A walk that doesn’t hurt. Well…. When they got home they could barely walk and were so tired that they just wanted to go straight to bed. Mom’s death marches don’t look so bad now eh? Ha! Ha! Point for Mom.

I put together some snacks for the troopers on their return. Round two of the cheese plate!

We did have a braai (South African word for bbq) that night. We don’t just eat cheese. Although, that wouldn’t be a bad thing.

It was finally time to show their Dad what they got him with their own money. They bought a portable projector to watch movies with outside during the summer. A very cool present if I do say so myself. They thought of it and they researched it. Once they found the right one, I ordered it. They are right that we will enjoy that gift and all summer too.

However, the weather didn’t want to cooperate that night so we set it up in the garage. Not the classiest of locations but at least it was warm and dry. They made popcorn and brought in some deck chairs not only to sit on but enough for foot rests as well. Not too shabby!

Ok, that brings Father’s Day to an end. I will tally the score now.

I got crap weather, croquet, a clean house, pizza and wings on mother’s day. One day only. Not two. And no wine and cheese.

The Hubby got a cheese/charcuterie plate and driveway art on day one with awesome weather. On day two, he got a hike, more cheese/charcuterie, a braai and a full on movie night with some crap weather.

I’ll let you decide who the winner is. And you wouldn’t be wrong if you said the kids. However, I’ve decided that next year, Mother’s Day is going to be epic if I have to do the planning myself.

This week’s cocktail is the French 75 for no other reason than it is awesome and classy. Enjoy!

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