A Flapper and A Shaker

Dark and stormy.

This past week has been crappy. We had crap weather and my mood matched it. Not sure why. Everything is going well. In fact, I would go so far as saying things are great for us. We are healthy and safe. We have a roof over our heads and food on the table. Nothing to complain about. But I’ve been in a crappy mood all week. The kids blamed the weather, but I think my tiny brain has had enough of the current state of affairs in the world.

I have been told that I am like an emotional sponge. My mood is affected by people and events around me. The good and the bad. And even the ones I don’t understand. If someone is feeling sad, I take on that feeling as if it was my own. While this may create compassion, it also means I don’t always understand or know what I’m feeling. I’m left in a state of confusion. For once, it’s not just the booze talking.

This past week, the world, once again, delivered some heavy situations with heavy emotions. Since the situations are complex, so are the emotions attached to them. And while the situations may look and feel foreign, it’s also right on our front step.

I feel like crap and don’t know what to do. But silence and complacency don’t get us anywhere either.

I am open to suggestions. I’m all ears.

Maybe that’s it.

Maybe it’s time to just shut up, listen and learn to do better.

I can do that. I can and will shut up, listen and learn to do better.

During this dark and stormy week, I did do something that made me happy, I planted a pear tree. I know what you are thinking – “Are you nuts? A pear tree will never survive your winters”. Well, I have hope.

And what a surprise – the drink of the week is the dark and stormy. Enjoy!


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