A Flapper and A Shaker,  Covid-19

It’s the small things.

It has been almost 2 months since we got back from NZ. Time has simply flown by. In fact, it feels like it was a lifetime ago. I can usually live off the high from a trip for quite a period of time. But this time, it feels like a distant memory. I am not sure why, but I think it’s because I am so busy.

I don’t know how, but I feel busier now than I did when I was living life not in a global pandemic. I can’t tell you how, but my days are full. I’m pretty sure it has something to do with all the cooking, cleaning, online schooling, zoom calls… Just to name a few. And I know not everyone feels that way. In fact, I’ve even heard people say they are bored. I am definitely not bored. I am doing “stuff” all day just have no clue what that “stuff” is. But, I know I am busy. So busy in fact, I have been keeping out of trouble. Maybe I am just boring?

I decided that this week things need to slow down a bit. I need to take it all in and appreciate some of the small things. Some of the positive things from this “event”. Yup. Positive things. I know you probably think I have been day drinking but honestly, there is some good stuff in all this.

I get to have lunch with my hubby and kids every day. A real proper, sit down, hot lunch. Yes, that is a good thing. I don’t think we’ve ever done that before. On the weekends, we are usually on some field watching the kids play some sport. Separately. He with one and me with the other. I am loving sitting down together for meals as opposed to just shoving something down our gullet on the way to the next thing. I just need to find someone to cook all these damn meals. And do all those damn dishes.

My other new fav pastime, is sitting out in the back garden watching this little fella fly in and out of his new little house. The Peanut calls him Bob. Bob Bird. No idea why Bob, but hey, it works and it stuck. We all love watching Bob Bird. He is also quite the soprano. I don’t always love Soprano Bob first thing in the morning though. But, he is now part of the ‘hood so we tolerate him.

Alberta has entered phase 1 of reopening. Even Calgary started to reopen this week. We (Calgary) didn’t get as good a score as the rest of the province, so we were held back for a couple of weeks. As of Monday though, restaurants in Calgary got to open up at 50% capacity. It means we scored better on our make up test. Woohoo! We as a fam are not necessarily ready to hangout in restaurants at this time but we are ready to have a driveway/garage visit with a friend or two. We may need to rethink who we invite though. I’m surprised he didn’t have a tinfoil hat on.

I am not sure the outfit was strictly because of Covid-19.

Tonight I will try and catch the sunset while sipping on an Aperol Spritz. Hopefully the colours will match my drink. And maybe, if I relax just enough while sipping on that cocktail, I’ll be transported to some dream setting in Italy. Suddenly, I feel like pasta.

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