NZ 2020

Bring it! It’s sand dune boogie boarding time!

March 16th – Still in vacation mode! We are sand dune boogie boarding today. Oh yes. That is correct. Best idea ever. We quickly packed up, had a bite to eat and headed out.

Right across the road from where we were staying, was the dock where we needed to take a quick ferry across the bay to the dunes. As in 5 mins quick. The weather was perfect. No wind and the sun was just peaking out from behind the clouds as needed. Absolutely perfect weather for the event.

I have never done anything like this before. This was new to me. Wasn’t sure what to expect. There was only 7 other people there besides us. So it is like having the place to yourself. And also less people to embarrass myself in front of. Perfect 🙂

The ferry dropped us off and headed back across the bay. Let the games begin! I may have an ounce or two of competitiveness in me. Not enough to make my kids cry when I beat them (not all the time – it only happened a couple of times) but enough to keep it interesting.

Boogie boarding really helps a marriage.
So much fun!

We spent about an hour boogie boarding. The ferry comes every hour for drop off and pick up. We decided we would go back on the next ferry coming in. It was a ton of fun but after climbing the sand dunes a few times, the legs start to remind you of your fitness level and mine is not what it should be. Plus we were starving. Or at least I was.

We got back across the bay and went straight to the little, local fish and chips shop. The fish and chips in NZ are amazing. Really, really good. I might be tempted to say better than British fish and chips but I am afraid of some of my relatives.

On the fish and chips door. Just in case you’re wondering what you are eating.

After lunch, we headed out to Kerikeri to pick up some food for our night out camping right on the beach – Matauri Bay Holiday Park. I couldn’t wait to get to this place. It sounded like a fun night of camping. We would be right on the beach in an old “refurbished” caravan. A real 60’s or 70’s style caravan. What a riot!

The ultimate caravan. Mere meters from the water.

The hubby and I had to head up the hill to find Wifi. We still needed to sort out some of the cancellations with Oz. More on that in another post. While we were gone, the Kiwi and M took the kids boogie boarding. This time in the ocean just on front of where we would be staying.

A view from up the cliff of the monsters boogie boarding.
One very happy Peanut.

Once we got back from our covid’ed travel sorting, the hubby joined in the fun.

He looks sinister in this picture but I assure you he is not.

And while they all did that, M and I did what we do best, supervise with style.

We made glorious burgers that night and solved the covid crisis over wine. Life was good. Wondering what it will be like to wake up with the ocean just outside our window?

That kid moves too damn quick.

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